Using PHP / Google Translate foreign language to english

Here is the code to utilize Google Translate to translate any text to English for free. / this function translates chinese to english if you want to use this function, please write your own curl_post_content – it’s just a curl request using post method – i have my own curl_post_content which i can’t publish here. the data that google returns doesn’t work well with json_decode function, we have to fix it a little bit, see the str_replace function here /

function translate_to_english($text) { $url=”|731640“; $data=array(); $text=strip_tags($text); $data[“q”]=$text;
$response=str_replace(“,,”,”,0,”,$response); $response=str_replace(“,,”,”,0,”,$response); $response=str_replace(“[,”,”[0,”,$response);
$obj =json_decode($response,true ); //true converts stdClass to associative array.
$result=””; foreach($obj[0] as $v) {
if($v[0]==”0″) continue; $result.=$v[0].”\r\n”; }
i return trim($result); }