Here is the symptom: – You press play or forward or backward – it stops running after 2s. – If you press pause, you can see the tape spinning as normal. What could be the root cause: This could be because of the tape end detection circuit. The way it detect the tape end is using the tape counter, if the tape counter not spinning, it will think that the tape ends. How does it do that? Behind the tape counter, there is a magnetic ring, when this magnetic ring spinning, it turn on/off the circuit. If the magnetic not spinning, or it’s dropped outRead More →

You might see this sudo yum -y install podman Updating Subscription Management repositories. Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:52 ago on Fri 22 Sep 2023 11:00:27 AM EDT. Error: Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job – nothing provides needed by podman-3:4.4.1-8.module+el8.8.0+18438+15d3aa65.x86_64 (try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages) This is how i fixed: wget sudo rpm -i shadow-utils-subid-4.6-17.el8.x86_64.rpm sudo yum -y install podmanRead More →

Metric Logs are stateful are alert – which mean it will change the status to Fired/Resolved based on the metric condition. Metrics Alert is much cheaper than Log based alerts. As of now, it’s 0.1$ per month, it doesn’t matter your check interval. Logs based alerts are not stateful, it only “Fired” , it does not resolved. This alert can flood your mailbox. the way it works is , it runs a query, if that query meet your condition, it will triggered the alert. It doesn’t check the last run status to see if that has been triggered or not. Log based alerts are alsoRead More →

– First, you need to make sure that you have enable App Insights in your App Service – Check the application insights log: – Login to Azure, got to your App Service – Click on SSH on the left, – Check the application insights start up log in this folder: /var/log/applicationinsights – View 2 logs file there, it will give you some hint what could be wrong. There are some common issue: – Wrong instrumentation key – Application has already instrumented application insights in their code, that means it will not use the App Insights agent by the server. In this case you need toRead More →

I just just bought a used Ronin M today, the owner said he had not used it for long time. I thought everything should be good. When i got home and tried to charge, nothing showing up on the battery. I googled and found that many people having the same issues after putting the device in storage for long time. What’s the root cause? – DJI battery is smart battery , it comes with a board on it, you can turn the battery on and off from the battery it self. – The battery board control how the battery charge and provide power to yourRead More →

When you create a survey forms in MS Forms from a group – you realize that the option “Allow respondents to edit their response” is greyed out. If you do it from your account, you have no problem with it, it only happen when you create the survey from the group. How can you enable it? Follow these steps: uncheck “Allow receipt of responses after submission “ Click on Preview Click on Back You will see a little box: By clicking on that “Turn it On” , the option “Allow respondents to edit their responses” will be enable. How can you uncheck (disable) it? YouRead More →

We have a few addons not compatible with python3 and we need them to work with Splunk 9. Splunk 9 does not come with python2, that’s the challenge. How do we fix it? we need to do 3 things: – Copy bin/python2.7 from old splunk server to new server – Copy lib/python* from old server to new servers – add python.version=unspecified to etc/local/server.conf in [general] section – restart the server This is my script: yes | /bin/cp -r -p /Data/poc/splunk738-python2/splunk738/bin/python2* /opt/splunk/bin/ yes | /bin/cp -r -p /Data/poc/splunk738-python2/splunk738/lib/python2* /opt/splunk/lib/ sed -i ‘4ipython.version=unspecified’ /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/server.conf /opt/splunk/bin/splunk restartRead More →

I’m trying to install PagerDuty v7.6 on ServiceNow, but i got this error Cannot commit Update Set ‘pagerduty-v7.6’ because: Scope ‘x_pd_integration’ is not ‘Global’, not found in instance, but is found in app store. Install application from app store. Resolve the problem before committing. How did i fix it? I opened the pagerduty_7.6.xml file , replace all x_pd_integration with xxxx_pd_integrationRead More →