Azure Monitor: List all action groups having pagerduty integration
resources| where type contains “actiongroups” | where properties.webhookReceivers[0].serviceUri contains “pagerduty”Read More →
resources| where type contains “actiongroups” | where properties.webhookReceivers[0].serviceUri contains “pagerduty”Read More →
I have some troubles with email sent from Splunk with some Alerts, debugging this takes a lot of time, i have to wait for the alert to trigger and check the log. Then i thought, is there anyway i can send mail immediately when i do a search instead of waiting for the alert triggered. Fortunately, the solution is already there : the sendemail command.* | top 5 host | sendemail to=”[email protected]” sendresults=true inline=true My thought: we just need to thing about a different way to do our daily routine, there will be a better way to do it.Read More →
I build a docker image, everything runs well on my dev machine. But when i deploy the images to my other machine, some services in the container was not able to start.The services starts by using /etc/init.d/script , when i troubleshoot the script i see the script stop at this command Not sure what “test -x ” is , i google and found that : -x is the same as setting xtrace with the -o option to bash. So it gave me some hints to find where the root cause, it looks like we can’t run xtrace , i re-run my container with this option to enable xtraceRead More →
When we configure inputs.exec , your program/bash script must have exit code 0. If it’s not 0 , telegraf will not send the metrics. This is an example , i have a bash file which will run 10 small /scripts/ Telegraf will run my , the last script is very important, if this script does not exit 0 , the entire stack will not send any metrics. There is a trick , we can add exit 0 at the end of the /scripts/ exit 0Read More →
self.connection = cx_Oracle.connect( args.user, args.password, args.dsn) To fix this , create an environment TNS_ADMIN and save file sqlnet.ora , add these line to control the timeout SQLNET.OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=10 msRead More →
Cloudflare use several methods to detect if it’s a human or a bot:– SSL order – there is a different in the SSL library between a normal browser like Chrome with other tool like curl – – If the IP source comes from a data center or residential address– The user agentRead More →
ActiveMQ has 2 version: AciveMQ and (Apache or Redhat ActiveMQ) The configuration below is for Apache ActiveMQRead More →
Fix;– Adding seccomp=unconfined to your docker run commandor add this in your docker-compose security_opt:– seccomp:unconfinedRead More →
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