mcrypt extension is an interface to the mcrypt cryptography library. mcrypt is included in php5 to  php7.1 , but it’s removed from php7.2 . The instructions below help you install mcrypt for php7.2 on  Ubuntu. when you are shown the prompt: hit Enter once installed , you need to create a configuration file for itRead More →

rrdcached is a daemon that receives updates to existing RRD files, accumulates them and, if enough have been received or a defined time has passed, writes the updates to the RRD file. A flush command may be used to force writing of values to disk, so that graphing facilities and similar can work with up-to-date data. rrdcached uses the line protocol to communicate with client. When we start rrdcached , it will listen on port 42217 and create a socket file.  We can telnet to port 42217  or use ncat to create a connection to socket file. telnet localhost 42217     or nc -U /var/run/rrdcached/rrdcached.sock AfterRead More →

A Detailed Page About PHP Threads: Understanding Multithreading in PHP PHP is one of the most widely used server-side programming languages, primarily known for its ability to generate dynamic web pages and handle requests on web servers. While PHP is designed to be fast and efficient for web development, it traditionally operates on a single-threaded, synchronous model, meaning each request is handled one at a time. This approach is simple, but it can sometimes lead to inefficiencies, particularly when tasks are time-consuming or when there is a need to handle multiple operations simultaneously. In environments where performance is critical or when executing tasks like backgroundRead More →

You might receive the error Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 44. The table is probably corrupted , this is probably because you import the whole database from mysql 5.6 to 5.7 . The table structure has changed , so you need to update it. You can use the command mysql_upgrade to do this work for you. After you import the data , run this file mysql_upgrade -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P3306   this command will go all over your databases table and upgrade the database structure . mysql.tables_priv OK mysql.time_zone OK mysql.time_zone_leap_second OK mysql.time_zone_name OK mysql.time_zone_transition OK mysql.time_zone_transition_type OK mysql.user OK UpgradingRead More →

I had a samsung J7, it’s in the drawer for many months. today i tried to charge it, there was no sign it’s charging. i changed many cables , i thought the battery is dead. Luckily i have its original charger adapter + cable , i connected it to the phone , the phone starts up . i don’t know if there is any difference between the original charger and other compatible charger. Hope it help you in some cases.Read More →