When we use Curl or a curl library to some https website – we receive this error ” error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small” This is because Ubuntu set the SSL at a higher level of security – the target website is still using the old settings – if we can’t control the destination server, then we have to change our client – meaning we have to lower our security standard. this is how you can do it.Read More →

We have so many application insights created in our environment. It’s not easy to see which application is reporting correctly. I want to have a report how many requests that the application is sent to Application Insights. This will help us to identify if there is a problem with integration or the application is no longer in production or might be it can help to detect the application is down for long time. Finally i come with a solution with PHP and Azure CLI . I create a file name report.php ( see the file at the bottom) . Here is the step to run:Read More →

I’m a fan of PHP and docker make my life better. It’s difficult to maintain our favorite tool in a live system as our host system keeps updating and it could break our tool. I want to run Azure CLI in a docker environment. It’s easy to start , just using this command: My problem is that, this Microsoft image doesn’t have the tool i need – it’s PHP. I want to do some cool stuff with PHP and Azure CLI. So, why don’t we build a new Azure CLI image from our existing Microsoft Azure CLI ? Finally, i go with this Dockerfile ToRead More →

I’m using smokeping, i see a bunch of files that is no longer needed. To be safe, i want to rename find these files and rename them. I came with this solution The above command will find all files with ext .rrd and not modified in the last 30 days.Read More →