I’m running Catalina 10.15.2 and today i tried to install “brew”. During the installation, it required x-code-select, i installed it and got this error “Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server”. I tried to install X-code, but it didn’t help. Finally i had to go to this place https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ and search for Command Line tools to install.Read More →

I spent my weekend to setup an InfluxDB infrastructure. My goal is to have a high availability infrastructure. If you do some readings, you will see that the high availability only available in Enterprise version. There is some alternatives, i select the most simple way to do: InfluxDB with InfluxDB relay. My architecture includes: one InfluxDB relay and 2 Data Nodes.I don’t go to the setup detail here but i want to share some knowledge when i do the setup. I start with the good things first: – Data is replicated into 2 two nodes ( 2 nodes will have the same data)– InfluxDB-relay hasRead More →

If your cron job is not running as expected check the following: permission for this file should be 600 – one one can read except root check the syntax you need to provide the user that the job should run with ( this is different with crontab -e where it will use the current user) sometimes your file may have some special characters such as ^M, you don’t see them in normal editor , you can run this command : cat -v /etc/cron.d/your_cron_job file Make sure that cron service is running:  ps -aux | grep cron check the log file : cat /var/log/syslog | grepRead More →

If your Mac is stuck with High Sierra , you can’t upgrade it and you want to install iMovie ? follow the steps below: Installing iMovie9 # 1. Download the iMovie 9.0.9 update package curl ‘https://updates.cdn-apple.com/2019/cert/041-98154-20191017-1fbef983-8d87-49af-83b1-edecc007ce2e/iMovie9.0.9Update.dmg‘ -o ~/Downloads/iMovie9.0.9Update.dmg 2. Mount the dmg open ~/Downloads/iMovie9.0.9Update.dmg 3. Expand (unarchive) the pkg pkgutil –expand /Volumes/iMovie\ 9.0.9/iMovie9.0.9Update.pkg ~/Downloads/iMovie/ 4. Rename Payload to Payload.zip mv ~/Downloads/iMovie/iMovie9.0.9Update.pkg/Payload ~/Downloads/iMovie/iMovie9.0.9Update.pkg/Payload.zip 5. Unpack Payload.zip (it will get named Payload 2) open ~/Downloads/iMovie/iMovie9.0.9Update.pkg/Payload.zip 6. Move iMovie.app to the Applications folder mv ~/Downloads/iMovie/iMovie9.0.9Update.pkg/Payload\ 2/Applications/iMovie.app /Applications/iMovie\ 9.0.9.app Enjoy! open /Applications/iMovie\ 9.0.9.app If you want to upgrade to iMovie 10, follow the steps below: # 1. Check whetherRead More →

Your queries might return more fields than you need in your table, even though you don’t want to show it in the table but you actually need it. For example, the result should return an url , you don’t want to display the url, you want people click on another field but that click should link to your url. So that’s why you need to hide some column. It’s pretty simple, on the Edit Panel , on the left , next to the Query , there is “Transform” tab , click on it , then select “Organize fields” , there will be an option forRead More →

I have spent my entire day to troubleshoot the issue with my Python script. I have a python script using smbclient to open a share file in windows using this library – https://pypi.org/project/smbprotocol/ Everything seems working well, i have tested a couple of servers and they worked perfectly. So i move the script to production , one of my client use it and she reported that that there was an error. I tried on my dev machine, i have the same issue – the only difference is that the server is different. So my script only works with some servers. I spent hours and hoursRead More →

I just got a free PS3 from Marketplace. The owner said it’s not in working condition. I brought it home and tried to see what’s wrong with it. The PS3 powered on, everything looks normal, internet is good. I started to play a game, the screen just went black and i had to hard rebooted it. I did try many games , they all went to black. Again, i googled and they suggest me to go to recovery mode to rebuild database, filesystem, even restore the whole system, it didn’t help. I know PS3 can be jailbreak , so i watched some video how toRead More →

Whenever you run: smokeinfo /etc/smokeping/config , smokeping will load a lot of all configurations into memory, this takes a lot of time. Since we don’t change our configuration often, so why don’t we cache the configuration to a file and smokeping will just load it from a file. The script below is a modified version, it save about 3s loading time – i have about 7000 hosts to monitor , 3s is not a bad number. There are other things we can save time.Read More →