Convert PFX to PEM

$pfx_file="mywindows_cert.pfx"; $password="dailyithlep"; $pem_file="mypem_cert.pem"; convert_pfx_file_to_pem($pfx_file,$password,$pem_file,true); function convert_pfx_file_to_pem($pfx_file,$password,$pem_file,$remove_password=true) { $CERT_FILE="/tmp/certificate.crt"; $CA_CERT_FILE="/tmp/ca-cert.crt"; $PRIVATE_KEY="/tmp/private.key"; $PRIVATE_KEY_NOPASSWORD="/tmp/private_nopassword.key";

//get the certificate file from pfx file

$cmd=”openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in \”$pfx_file\” -out $CERT_FILE -passin pass:$password”; shell_exec($cmd);

//get the ca-certificate file from pfx file $cmd=”openssl pkcs12 -cacerts -nokeys -in \”$pfx_file\” -out $CA_CERT_FILE -passin pass:$password”; shell_exec($cmd); ////get the private key from pfx file $cmd=”openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in \”$pfx_file\” -out $PRIVATE_KEY -passin pass:$password -passout pass:$password”; shell_exec($cmd); if($remove_password) { //remove the password in private key $cmd=”openssl rsa -in $PRIVATE_KEY -out $PRIVATE_KEY_NOPASSWORD -passin pass:$password “; shell_exec($cmd); //put all 3 files into one file again $cmd=”cat $CERT_FILE $CA_CERT_FILE $PRIVATE_KEY_NOPASSWORD > $pem_file “; shell_exec($cmd);

}else{ //put all 3 files into one file again $cmd=”cat $CERT_FILE $CA_CERT_FILE $PRIVATE_KEY > $pem_file “; shell_exec($cmd); } @unlink($CERT_FILE); @unlink($CA_CERT_FILE); @unlink($PRIVATE_KEY); @unlink($PRIVATE_KEY_NOPASSWORD);

$cmd=”openssl x509 -in $pem_file -text”; echo shell_exec($cmd); }

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