apex, bare domain ( domain without www) and www.domain.com should point to the same IP. In amazon load balance or some of the cloud solution, they do not provide us a static IP, they provide us a name and asks us to point our domain to their domain. There is no problem with www.domain.com , but we can’t point apex domain (domain.com) to a cname record, it ‘s because the current DNS RFC does not allow this.
There are many dns hosting providers customized their DNS to support this feature. If you are using Route53, you can use the script below to monitor the difference between the 2 records, if it see a difference , it will update the record automatically.
This use boto library.
apt-get install python-boto
You also need to update your aws credentials in .aws folder.
#!/usr/bin/python #this script is used to compare the 2 records domain.com and www.domain.com , if there is mistmatch it will get the records from www to update to domain.com #this is to fix the issue where apex domain can not have a cname record import boto.route53 import json import socket conn = boto.route53.connect_to_region("us-east-1") zones = conn.get_all_hosted_zones() #zones = zones.json() #print (zones) for zone in zones["ListHostedZonesResponse"]["HostedZones"]: Id = zone["Id"].replace('/hostedzone/', '') zone_name = zone["Name"] # print zone_name,Id ip_www_list = socket.gethostbyname_ex("www."+zone_name)[-1] ip_list= socket.gethostbyname_ex(zone_name)[-1] for ip in ip_list: if ip not in ip_www_list: print zone_name,"IP ",ip ," not in the list", ip_www_list changes = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets(conn, Id) change = changes.add_change("UPSERT", zone_name, "A") for new_ip in ip_www_list: change.add_value(new_ip) result = changes.commit() break